For my graduation we went to vegas. This picture was taken in front of the cesar's palace.
Megan and one of the tigers from Rick Thomas' show in Vegas..
Thursday, June 02, 2005
This is in the cesar palace in vegas.
Sarah(Nate's wife) and Megan
This is my friend Nate trying to starup the campfire. This was in may 2005 in mount timpanogos.
This is my soccer team.
This Megan and me after I slided from the top of the hill. I landed face down in the snow.
This is when we decided to go sleding. It was in rock cayon park. Megan just tried it two times .... she was to chicken to slide from the top of the hill.
Me and Megan. I dont remember when we took this picture but i guess that it was over christmas 2004.
Megan's family.
Megan and her nephew. This was in our trip to the south in november 2004.
The Mejia Escobar family. We are in the circus circus parking lot in vegas.
This is my brother and me in my cousin's wedding in vegas.
So the results are here. Megan doesnt want to write anything in the blog. She doesnt want the world to know how her day went. I might keep this blog for a while. I guess that until I get tired of blogging.
After realizing that everybody is blogging I give up. I will start blogging too. I still need to convince megan (my wife) to write in this blog too. Well I will post tomorrow the result of the pro blogging campaing in my house.