We went shopping the other day with Papa. After a few hours of being confined to a car seat and then a stroller, the girls really needed a break and a diaper change. The lines were long and there were too many people to let them run wild and free. Like any good mother, we went back to the car... After a quick and breezy diaper change, Juan decided to let them play in the back of the car.

Here's Milla with her normal, big smile, wondering why she can't go through the glass.

It soon turned into a kissing fest. One after another, they had to have their turns. Needless to say, my lips tasted a little funny after wards.
I love this next picture of Belle. It really shows her true colors. She is such a happy one.

All of the hand prints and slobber marks are still on the inside of my car and my lip prints and nose marks are still on the outside. I think I will leave them there for a while. Besides, when will I ever have time to clean them... :)