Saturday, December 27, 2008


Mom, Why must you drag me to Wal-Mart?

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We had to do Christmas in shifts this year.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

Santa/Nana left so much stuff. Milla was too excited. Check out her face! Belle didn't know what to do.
Milla thought both dolls were for her.

These are by far Belle's favorite. They are flashlights that make animal sounds. Last night we stopped opening gifts after she opened these. She didn't care about anything else. All she wanted was her roster. Thanks, Mattmoo!

Maybe Belle would like to help me later clean up this mess.

Christmas this year was too good. Thank you Nana, Papa Tom, Mattmoo, Unkie Mikie, Efers, Berry and Grandma-Great for all the wonderful gifts. We hope your Christmas was as good as ours. We love you guys mucho!

Para Abuelita Tita, Vic-Tio, y Astrid. Los Queremos Mucho! Feliz Navidad! Te extrañamos mucho.

Christmas Dinner

Christmas Dinner this year was unplanned. Due to the horrible weather, we had to cancel our dinner plans last minute. But thanks to Papa, we still had a wonderful Christmas dinner.

Mama made the cheese ball

Papa made the Ham,

Belle said the prayer,

and Milla made a mess.

All in all, it was perfect and by far the best Christmas dinner we've ever had.

The girls even got to eat at the table.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas!

The Mejia Family

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Snow Day!

It's more like a Snow Week! We have a foot on the ground and there is more to come. Milla loved the snow. Belle wasn't too happy with it. But we still had fun!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

The Milla Dance

This is just too funny!


Milla wasn't having such a good day. But Belle was..

Here is Belle trying to share her chicken nugget.

Playing at the Park

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Don't Leave Belle Alone

Or she will do THIS!

Homemade Holiday

This year was the first year Juan gave me a budget for Christmas. I was truly heartbroken. The girls are still so young that they don't know any different. Plus, we have a heck of a Sugar-Nanna and a Sugar-Berry. So here is what I have been working on.... No Laughing Please....


The girl's hair is getting longer and I can never find cute hair bows. So I made my own...

Crayon Roll:

This seems most handy for church and restaurants. But most of all.. it is on my sewing level.

Hooded Towels:

These towels turned out so cute and they were super easy to make. In fact, I made about 11 of them. At least 4 of them were for still owe me :)

Felt Food:


Ham Sandwich with Cheese, Lettuce and Tomato
Cheetos are in the making...

Pink Cake

I know it looks more like a pink pillow than a cake, but use your imagination!

It's Belle Approved. That is all that matters...

Midnight Snack:
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sugar Cookie with Vanilla Frosting and Sprinkles

There is more felt food to come. I still have dinner to think about. Got any ideas?

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cat Fight

It has begun... sibling rivalry. What one has, the other one wants. What one wants, the other one wants more. I feel like a good portion of my day is separating these two so they won't hurt each other physically or... mentally. They react completely different to stress. If you take a toy away from Belle, she is very likely to hunt you down and bite you. If you take a toy away from Milla, she will get in your face and scream. Then she will shake her finger at you with all of her might saying, "No No No". And if you really make her mad, she is likely to pinch. They have started pulling each other's hair. Milla has the advantage because she has a lot less hair. Belle has a few advantages herself. She is known for her speed and upper body strength. When Milla is in Belle's way she just pushes her over. This is what I deal with everyday. Time out works for Belle but Milla is kind of partial to it. The silent treatment works the best for Milla, Belle just laughs.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Belle's First Haircut

So, It wasn't a very big haircut. It was just enough to get the hair out of her eyes.