Friday, October 24, 2008

Our Love For Books

Milla and Belle have started showing an interest in books. They are very cute to watch while they are "reading". Both will talk while they read. It is like they are reading the story to themselves.

Belle love books for what they really are... Cardboard! Not only is it entertaining to look at, but it also makes the best snack!

This is our favorite book, Moo, Baa, LA LA LA! by Sandra Boynton. In fact, all of her books are fabulous. As you can see, Belle hasn't completely ate her way through it. I have to put them out of her reach.

Milla is super cute. When she turns a page, she points and says "Oh, Wow!" She has also started to learn to say animal sounds. She can say moo, ba, sss (for snake), wow wow and quack. Speaking of new words, Milla has started saying Leche (milk in spanish). Belle, on the other hand, isn't saying much. I think she will always be the strong, silent type.