Thursday, November 20, 2008

Sunday Evening

Our Sunday Evening:

I thought it would be fun to color. And it was! The girls love to draw, especially on their Magna Doodles. I don't get out the crayons very often for about 100 different reasons. But Papa was around and we thought it would be nice to draw a him a picture.

Here's Belle...

Here's Milla...

Here's the master piece...

But Wait! There is more...

They soon discovered that the crayons made a cool sound when you beat the on the table.

So we did that for a while. Then got Bored...

Milla decided she was done. And Belle...

Well, Belle showed us one of her many talents. Soon they got bored with that.

Then we read.

And that was about 15 minutes out of our Sunday evening. If I wasn't losing my mind, I am sure I would be able to tell you what else we did that evening. The older they get, the busier they become.


The Ditmars Family said...

hehehe, that's what our coloring sessions look like. Hey there hair looks like it's gotton longer since I saw them a few weeks ago!