Tuesday, January 27, 2009


We enjoyed a fun afternoon with Juan Jose's family. It ended with a pinata.

Belle didn't get too excited about hitting the pinata. But she really had a good time. She would laugh every time someone would hit it.

It was scary how fast it took Milla to catch on. She is a natural. Look at poor Nemo's face. It must of hurt.

Here is Milla taking inventory...

Here are most of the Primos.

Here is Tia and Milla.

And Juan Jose and Belle


Isabella really took to Victor, Juan's brother, during a recent trip to Utah.

They bonded really quickly which isn't too normal for my not so social butterfly. He probably bribed her with that sucker. They played blocks for what seemed like hours.

He would build a tower and she would knock it down.

Over and Over again...

He is such a good guy!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Milla's New Word

Milla has learned a new word...

Actually, she has learned quite a few words lately. But there is one word in particular that I don't like her using. She has pick up on the word "Megan". And now that is what she calls me. No more "Mama" just "Megan". She is super cute. She runs through the house calling for me "Meggggan". LOL I can't help but laugh. It is kind of funny. I try to correct her, but then she corrects me. I guess she is right. My name is Megan.

Monday, January 19, 2009

There is Sunshine in My Soul Today....

Oh There's Sunshine,

Blessed Sunshine...

When the Peaceful, Happy Moments Roll...

When Jesus Shows His Smiling Face...

There's Sunshine in My Soul...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Our Family Pic!

This is my Family! My Mom and Dad, My two Brothers, My two Girls, and My Husband. Juan had to go to work today and missed the family photo. I didn't want to make him feel left out, so I added him in there.

Like Papa Like Milla

I think we finally figured out where Milla got her hair...
From her..
Papa Tom!


I bet Nana slipped her some Diet Coke...

Playing Dolls

Unkie Mikey playing dolls. The things he'll do...

We've been too busy to blog!!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Goals For 2009

Learn to Talk
Learn to Clean-Up Messes
Become Potty Trained
To Grow
Keeping Our Socks and Shoes On
Learn a Third Language
Visit Familia in Guatemala
Start Swimming Lessons
Sleep in Big Girl Beds