Milla and Belle are becoming quite the prayers. They fold their little arms and babble a few words and then they say "A-umm" not "Amen", but "A-umm". When we pray together or during church and they think the prayer is to long, They will just start saying "A-umm" over and over again until you are done.

"'A-umm' Papa, it is time to eat!"

Today was a big day! Now that the girls are 18 months, they can start going to Nursery. For those that don't know what Nursery is, it is like a mini Sunday school class for 18 months- 3 year olds. Today, they marched right in there and sat at the little table and waved bye bye. They didn't even run after me or cry... They just sat there like big girls. I came in an hour later to change diapers and they didn't even care I was there. They colored, sang and danced, and played with toys. They had such a good time!